Monday, February 1, 2010

Outdoor session at the Shawnee train depot

So I have done at least 4 sessions at this train depot. I dont know what it is about that place that people love so much, but I do have to admit, it makes for some great backgrounds. This place is SO pretty no matter the weather. Here are some pictures I did for my best friend Shellie and her brother, sister, and her two step sisters. We even got her best friends children in on the fun. They gave these pictures to their parents for christmas. I txted her christmas day, because I wanted to know what they thought, and she told me they all cried!!! I loved their idea of doing this for a christmas gift!! :) Here are some of my favorite pics from this session.

These 3 cuties were sooo much fun! I was laughing the ENTIRE time!!!! They are comedians!!!

Since Andreea was a senior this year, we went ahead and did her senior portraits :) We had a lot of fun. She is such a beautiful girl, and GORGEOUS eyes! This was a lot of fun too!! Here are just a few of my favorites of hers we did.

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