Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kally Folmar 1 Year!! :)

Since I just started this blog I think I will go to my past photo shoots and blog about them.
This little girl is my adoptive neice! Her daddy is my Husbands best friend. They have been best friends since they were in JR high, and still going strong. They were next door neighbors growing up too. They are pretty much brothers. So when Jake started dating Kay Dee in high school Aaron and I went out on a lot of double dates with them. I got really close to Kay Dee and we have been close ever since. We got married a month before they did. lol They had Kally 4 months before we had Kaleb. You could say we are really close. :) :)
Here is her 1 year photo shoot. I had such a blast doing these :) She is such a little model!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ice Storm 2010.

So here in Oklahoma, we had a TON of snow, and a HUGE ice storm come through. We did not have electricity for more than 24 hours. Less than some, I must say, but sucked. Thank God my parents own a Generator, so we came and stayed with them. They also have a was really toasty and warm...very homey :). Well I finally went outside today because it was not snowing anymore. *There is no way im taking my brand new Canon Rebel t1i outside when it is snowing I dont have a lens cleaning kit yet. BOO* I finally got out there with my camera and grabbed some shots before my limbs fell off. Here is what I captured.

Made for some great shots though...Dont ya think? :)